Common tanning mistakes and how to fix them

1. The most common issue with fake tans is having excess tan on hands and wrists.
This can happen for a multitude of reasons such as; you didn’t apply enough barrier cream, your hands are dry and soaked up the solution, you may have touched your body or face during processing time etc...
The good news is, it’s a simple fix!
You can use a small amount of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton pad, gently rub the area and watch it lighten up. When it’s gone, rinse and moisturize. Alternatively you can mix bicarbonate soda (two teaspoons), body oil (a few drops), and lemon juice (half a squeezed lemon), and rub where you want to remove the tan. The bicarb will bubble up and remove the colour.
2. If you feel like your tan is too dark all over, don’t panic scrub! You will end up raw and patchy, instead try:
-Taking a long soak in the tub
- Go swimming
- Hop into a hot tub
- Head into the steam room or sauna
Water and chlorine will break down the tan. In the shower, after your soak, swim, or steam use your exfoliation mitt and work in gentle circular motions.
If all else fails, use a foaming tanning remover (this is best to remove from day 3). Pump the mousse a few times and rub all over your skin. Wait 5-10 minutes then hop in the shower with a washcloth and it will rub off easily.
3. Ever get those pesky black dots after tanning? Open pores are the culprit! When you shower before your tan make sure to give yourself a 30 second blast of cold water to close them up.
Don't forget to eliminate common tanning mistakes like smears and tsreaks while making your tanning routine more comfortable by finishing with our award-winning CocoDRY™ Fake Tan Drying Powder & Kabuki Body Brush.
Stay golden x